Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's Been Awhile...

Heya faithful blog readers out there. This is Andy coming to you tonight, with an update of what we have done since you last heard from us. I will fill you in on updates regarding our individual wheelings and dealings, and then finish with a pile of pictures with vague captions for you. For those of you who are picture people, skip to the end, but fellow thousand worders, read on. Confused? 1 picture = 1000 words. C'mon people. Its simple word/math, or wath. Or Mard.

Alexander: daycare is going very well for one Alexander James. He has his buddies, who I call the Little Boys Club. Alex, Jake, and Dawson are all about the same age, and love playing together at Julie's. They all get there about the same time in the morning, and the LBC starts its day with a few laps around the house. At the end of the day, Alex is happy to leave with us, but always has to wave goodbye to "Jooolie" and "fends" (I think that means friends.) His head has recovered nicely from multiple falls, though his shins may be more black and blue than normal skin tone at this time.

Alex picks up new words everyday. He will repeat pretty much everything you say, so his mother is having to watch her language very closely right now. (Or maybe that's me). He knows the names of 20-25 animals, most of his body parts, quite a few foods (zissa = pizza, asana = lasagna), and is a big fan of the word "outside" (ahsize).

Christine: School is now in full swing. She is coaching junior high volleyball again, and for the most part enjoys coaching, though I'm sure working with junior high age girls has its days. Acta has started moving quite a bit the past few weeks, and we are both getting very excited to meet our new little one. She gets little tired by the end of the day, what with the limited amount of sleep, a full day of teaching, and her little man using her like an amusement park when she gets home at the end of the day. Even though she gets worn out by the two (three) of us, I don't think she would trade us for anything.

Andy (me): Work has been going well for me. I will have some schedule changes coming in the next few weeks which will mean less driving, so I am quite excited about that. We have been busy at the clinic, so I am staying busy there. Otherwise, I can't think of much new going on in my little world.

This past weekend, Grandpa and Grandma Bowin came to town, and we had a great time with them. On Saturday, we all went for a walk to the pharmacy, grocery store, and then the park. Alex played on the merry-go-round, the swing, the swing, and the swing. His favorite was the swing. The toughest part of the day was getting him to leave the park. On Sunday, Alex heard grandpa mention something that sounds like the word walk, and he was ready to go. It took him a solid 10-15 seconds to convince grandpa and grandma to take him for a walk. Somehow, they ended up at the park again, where the previous day's activities were repeated. On Monday, Alex got to take another walk around town with grandma while grandpa helped us wash our cars (thanks again grandpa!). After lunch, they headed home, and we all laid down for naps.
Happy September to everyone! Stay tuned for more updates. Eventually.
Now, on to the pictures.

Alex playing in the car. The toughest part of the day is getting him to come inside once we get home.

Who me?

I like burritos.

Saturday afternoon naptime. That's grandma on the couch, grandpa on the floor, Christine on the loveseat, and Alex on Christine.


Alex playing shy after his Monday morning walk with grandma. Oh, and grandpa has a toy croquet mallet.

I'm invisible.

Are you guys still paying attention to me?

Alex ran and dove into this position.


X-Games Baby!! (photo courtesy of G & G Bowin)

Read it again daddy. (photo courtesy of G & G Bowin)

Why did you stop reading, Dad? (photo courtesy of G & G Bowin)

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