Wednesday, December 31, 2008

One Last Post for 2008

OK, so it's 11:04 PM on the last day of 2008, and I decided that I would get some moments from the past year (and the past couple of days) up on here - I guess I'm in a reminiscing moment. :)

I am amazed at the changes, even in just a few weeks. Being around both of the boys everyday, it takes looking back on pictures from a month (or even a week) ago, and you can really notice the changes. Here are some shots from the boys earlier this year......

Alex in January 2008 - -

And Zach in October/early November 2008- - -

And now for more recent pictures - from the past couple of days....

Alex decided to show Zach just how his new toy worked -
"See, Zach, you kick it like this....." (I especially like how Zach appears to be watching him....I may not like Zach watching what Alex does in a few years.....) ;)

My boys...

Alex in his new boots, praying for snow! (I am hoping for snow on or around January 5 - that's when I have to go back to school.) :)

So just what are you going to do outside in your boots?

Figuring out just how these "boot" things work...

Then it was bath time - or STREAKING time!!!!

Some of Alex's new train set - we need to get a bigger table, but for now, that's what he's got to play with. We thought our table would be big enough.....we were VERY wrong!!!


That's it for this year - we hope that ALL of you have a VERY blessed 2009, filled with the love, joy, and peace that only God can give. We are certainly looking forward to a very busy year, watching our boys grow and change, and we wish all of you the very best.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Missouri Christmas Weekend! Zach's 2 months old!

Wow - time is flying by so quickly - - I don't know where it seems to go to, I just wish that I had more of it. But, I know that I have to make the most of the time that I do have, so here is a bunch of "stuff" all in one post.
This past weekend we all went down to Blue Springs to meet up with my two sisters and their families (Elly's hubby Neil, son Noah, and dog Bob, and Sarah's puppy Ruby), as well as my parents and grandparents. It was a crazy house, but it was so much fun! Grandpa Dave set up the train set just for Alex and Noah, since they are both Thomas the Train fanatics. They had a BLAST!! Alex was frequently seen wearing the conductor's hat, and was a pro at running the speed dial by the time we were finished.

Saturday we also opened gifts - and Alex found a "toy" that he really liked - -

Alex was a little intimidated by both of the large dogs, so he found a place to safely eat his crackers......(you can see Bob on the side)

As we drove, Alex had to not only have his lovey, but a special friend as well.

Sunday Zach turned 2 months old! I can't believe he's that old already, again, that time thing!! Here's a shot as the smile is fading....we have a GREAT shot of him smiling - - just wait!! :)

Here's a picture of Christmas morning, with all of the gifts Alex got. He's playing with his new Thomas track set. (The jammies he chose himself - - will fashion be in his future??) ;)
Saturday the boys (with help from Aunt Elly and Grandpa Dave) built a fort! It was pretty cool, and both boys were SWEATY when they were finished! They had a BLAST!!!

Noah running through the fort - -

The fort itself. - -
Bob navigating the fort...

The boys figuring out which way to go next - -

Where's Alex??

Grandma Le, Aunt Rah-rah (with a little bit of Ruby showing), Noah and Alex at the entrance of the fort

After all that fort fun, the boys moved on to something else - pretending they were puppies!! Ruby was so kind to lend them her cage for a bit.

After all of the crazyness, it was time to sit down and take a break. The boys and Grandma Le all plopped down to watch some Thomas.

And that brings us to tonight. I was lucky enough to "catch" Zach sleeping in his swing - - I can only imagine what his snoring is going to be like when he gets older! Goodness!!! :)

Alex decided that his lovey would better serve him as a hat....

That's all for now, folks! I have other pictures I have to transfer from my camera, but I just don't have time right now - - all of the boys are sleeping and I am getting envious!! Have a great day everyone!! :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Hello from the middle of the arctic circle! (Not really, but lately I think that we were magically transported there because it's been REALLY COLD!!!!!)

All is well here - Andy had a good recovery, tired most of the time, but he met with his surgeon yesterday and was given the "all clear". YAY!! His energy is back for the most part, and he really feels like he is sleeping better at night. His snoring is a million times better, so we are all sleeping better! :)

On to the boys - - the reason you all check here anyways. :)

Today as I was doing laundry, I left Zach on the couch, and when I came back, Alex was teaching Zach a few things......

How to kick both feet into the air....

How to roll over......(Zach's still working on this, but he's CLOSE!)

And how to "pound it" - - making a fist and hitting the fists together.....

Here's a shot of Andy and Zach sleeping together - while Andy was still in his "recovery" stage.

Alex "hold it" - -

And with a goofy grin...

We don't exactly know what Alex was thinking with this one.....he's a strange boy. If he were 21, we would have been certain he had been drinking. I can assure you that there was no alcohol involved with this one....

Alex sharing Daddy's hat with Zach. It's still a little big.

And this video has it's own commentary.

Merry Christmas everyone! Until the next time we post........(who knows when!?!?!!)

Friday, December 12, 2008

LONG overdue update!

Well, pull up a chair, get yourself your favorite beverage of choice, and prepare for some good long reading.....because it's been waaaaay too long, and I'll do my best to bring everyone up to speed on what's been going on in the Bowin household.

Last week was nice - it was my last week at home, so it was a little sad, but I think that I would go "stir crazy" at home, so it was best to get back to work. (More on "work" later - -) This past weekend Andy worked on getting lights on the house, and it looks really nice. (I have to get a picture - -it's so cold outside at night that it's hard to get motivated to get outside to snap a shot. Maybe you just have to come visit if you want to see the lights. :) Anyway, Andy got out his gloves to wear as he was outside, but someone else got a hold of them.
Yes, the gloves went up past his elbows.
We got a lot done around the house - it seems to get dirty way too quick! Laundry piles up quicker than I ever noticed before....but I guess it comes with the territory. (I'm not going to complain - I am VERY thankful for EVERYTHING that we have!)
Alex, while watching his movie one night, decided to find a new use for his prayer stool......juice and milk holder!

This video is of one night when Alex was in a singing mood.....he is singing the ABC's, only he gets caught up at, "W, X" and just repeats those two. I didn't get the beginning, I was trying to be secretive with the camera.....but you have most of it.

Alex also came up with a new game - - notice the pajamas - he's into dressing himself now! Just too funny!

Now on to this week - I went back to work on Monday, it was hard to leave Zach, but Annette (Andy's mom) was here, so that made it easier knowing that he was going to be well taken care of. I had a short week, because I had the external visit at Ansley on Wednesday, and Andy had his surgery today. I could get used to 3-day workweeks.

As for Zach's 6-week checkup, here are the updates. He was 12 lbs., 4 oz. (up from 8 lbs. 8.5 oz. when he was born), length was 22.5 inches (up from 20 inches at birth), and his head circumference was 15.5 inches (up from 14 inches at birth). I keep saying the boy is going to eat me out of house and home, and now I have the proof!! He also got three shots, so he's a little cranky tonight.

Andy's surgery went well - he's actually feeling better than he thought that he would, and even ate two helpings of supper tonight! (It was the first food he'd had in 24 hours, so he had to be hungry!) He's a little groggy, and is trying to get as much sleep at possible with two young 'ens in the house. Hopefully he can get a good sleep tonight (something he hasn't had in months) and be feeling well tomorrow. I'll be getting him up to take his pain meds every two hours....we aren't going to let the pain get ahead of us, we're going to take it for at least the first 48 hours for sure.....

That's what's going on in a small nutshell's taken me 3+ hours to get this typed, so I had better publish before it doesn't get done at all. I know that I am leaving stuff out, but I did hit the highlights of this past few weeks....

Until who knows when.....take care and Merry Christmas! (only 13 days away now!!)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Prayer Request

Hello friends and family - -

This will be a short post, as there just aren't enough hours in the day.....I promise to get some pictures and videos up here soon, but I went back to work this week and I am still trying to get my feet under me. Hopefully this weekend I can find some time....

In the meantime, please include Andy in your prayers as he has his surgery tomorrow to remove his tonsils and adenoids (sp?). He has to report to the surgery center at 9:30, and is scheduled to begin at 10:30.

Thank you - - I will have my cell phone with me in case anyone needs an "immediate update" - 308-730-0384.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Burgers, Toes, and Fiber One Bats

Hope everybody had a good Tuesday. Today was a good day for all of us. Andy had the day off, so we headed on down to Grand Island so we could finish up all of our Christmas shopping. We now have everybody bought for, and it feels good to have it done. The boys were well behaved again today, which makes the whole process so much better.

After we got home this afternoon, Andy headed to Broken Bow for a CPR class with the company, leaving Christine home with the boys. The three (technically two) picked up McDonald's for supper which resulted in the picture below. I always find it amusing the way little kids eat their food across the middle, from one side to the other. Alex does the same thing with doughnuts.

After dinner, Alex felt like playing a little baseball. However, using the bat in his toy box was much too simple. Instead, he decided to open a drawer that's higher than his head, take out a Fiber One bar, and swing it like a bat. Silly boy. His "baseball" also included running the bases and finally ending up on his rug, where he decided if he was "out" or "safe" - - again, silly boy.

After a mostly peaceful night at home, Alex headed to bed (with much encouragement), Andy got home, and Zachary got his bed time milk. Apparently, the milk was either really good or really bad. Either way, it made his toes curl, which both of us got a big kick out of. His toes stayed this way for a good 2.5 ounces - I think that my toes would cramp! He had already screamed his socks off for the night, which is why he is barefoot (for those of you who are concerned about chilly toes).

Well, that's about all we know out here for now. Stop on by again for your Bowin family updates. Everyone have a great Wednesday.
You stay classy, friends and family.
