Sunday, April 20, 2008

Whew! What a Weekend!

This weekend has FLOWN by! I don't know where the time has gone, but when I look back, we got A LOT done, and that's always a good feeling.

Yesterday we borrowed a friend's pickup and headed down to Grand Island. We had received a coupon for the Home Depot, and we were already planning on remodeling our bathroom this summer, so this was the perfect time to go and get everything. We are also going to replace the flooring in our kitchen/dining room/laundry room, so we went ahead and got that also. After a few dozen calls to my dad and the "Eckhoff Construction Helpline" (my brother-in-law, Neil, has his own construction business and deals with all of this stuff day in and day out), we ended up getting a new toilet, a vanity with a sink/countertop, faucets for both the tub and sink, mirror for above the sink, porcelin tile, and laminate hardwood floors for the kitchen. We'll get a new tub later - my dad is going to come out and help with the installation, so we will wait a bit for that. Throughout the whole thing, Alex was a champ! I was a little worried about how he'd handle being in the same place for that long (4 hours total), but he was awesome! We went to get him some ice cream afterwards for being such a good boy. Before we went to the Home Depot, the boys both needed haircuts. Andy went in first (Alex was sleeping in the pickup, so he and I waited as Andy got his trim), and then it was Alex's turn. There really isn't too much of a difference, but his neck needed a trim badly, as well as around his ears. She took a little off of the top, but it's not terribly noticeable. She was great, she had a lot of toys, and Alex sat on my lap. There were a little tears towards the end, but he survived.

Today Alex came in and woke us up. I was asleep, and had a feeling like I was being watched (anyone else have that feeling??). I opened my eyes, and there was my little man! I'm glad we keep the baby gate up all the time now, as he's figured out how to get himself out of bed.

We then began on some "house things" that needed done. It had been a while since we had washed the windows and cleaned out the ledges, so we got that done. My goal was to hang laundry out on the line, but the wind thought otherwise. So much for "going green" today! We did get all of the laundry done, then it was to the outdoors! We had to trim a few bushes out front, remove a tree that didn't make it though the last snowstrom, fertilize the lawn, and begin with the grass seed in the backyard over the parts that weeds tend to try to overtake. I have to exhale just thinking about all of it! Andy also had baseball practice with a bunch of TIRED guys - they had prom last night - but practice wasn't until 3, so they should have been able to catch up! Oh, well. Games start next month, and then the summer flies by!

Well, enough of my rambling, here are the pictures and a couple of videos of the little guy.

His "fort" in the corner of the living room - he seemed to be very fascinated by the nail holes in the baseboard......(notice the NASCAR shirt - I know there's no race today - except Nationwide - but it was a good day for it anyway!)

This was last night - we had bought a few boxes of diapers and wipes at Sam's Club, and Alex LOVED playing on them - there is also a video of this....

This was today at lunch. We had sandwiches with the works - VERY yummy! Alex loved the veggies, including a few new ones! He had green peppers, tomatoes, avacados, fresh spinach, cheese, summer sausage, Sun Chips, and BLACK OLIVES! I have been trying to teach him the "fun way" to eat his olives, and he got it this time!! :) It's still a little hard to get just that one finger through, so he still pinches a few to get them up, but he was doing it quite a bit!! :)

Have a GREAT week everyone! :)

1 comment:

davefrank said...

What a busy weekend! Isn't it funny how we go back to our jobs to get some rest.
