Sunday, April 6, 2008

The weekend is over already?!?!

Wow - where has this weekend gone? For that matter, where has all of the time gone? It seems like last week was February, and here we are well into April already!! As I was talking to my Dad tonight, I realized that summer will be here before too much longer, and then SUMMER!!! I can hardly wait!! :)

Yesterday (Saturday) we didn't do too much. I realized that I had some Kohl's cash that I needed to use, so we ran down there for a quick supper and a little shopping. It was a short trip, I didn't feel up to a lot of excitement.

Today we just bummed around the house. Andy had baseball practice, and was encouraged by the number of guys that showed up. They're still trying to recruit a few more, but they had a good time. Alex and I stayed home and watched the NASCAR race - yay Carl!! :)

We've been talking for a while how we need to start Alex's transition to a bigger bed, well before the baby gets here. His crib is one of those convertible ones - to a toddler/day bed first, and then can be used as a full-size headboard. We took the first step tonight and tried out the toddler bed. Alex was a HUGE help as we did this, we felt it was important for him to see his bed changing. When I put him down tonight, he pointed to the side that was now missing - what a kid! Here's a shot of the new bed:

We'll see how tonight goes - he may not be ready for it, and that's fine, we can change it back. But we do want to start getting him ready, and don't want to feel too rushed about it - because when the baby comes it will be change enough!!

I am beginning to feel better - still coughing every now and then, but am not winded anymore. I am hoping to get a good sleep tonight, to be ready for the kiddos tomorrow!! Goodnight all!

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Let me know how it goes. Nate and I were debating the crib change (ours converts, too), but we've chickened out. I suppose for many reasons... First, Steven seems to feel like his crib is a "safe" spot for him. Secondly, I'm afraid that he would enjoy the freedom too much, especially during naptimes! Now I think it's too close to baby to make such a large change (too many transitions in a short amount of time).
