Thursday, January 10, 2008

Squiggles and Playing

We got home late tonight because Andy had an Open House - and Alex and I went to say hello to some of Andy's patients, and to eat some cookies (yum!) Then we went out to supper - Blanquita's - another yum! Cheryl (Andy's aide) and her husband, Chuck, joined us - it was nice to have some conversation with supper - and I think that they really enjoyed Alex's antics at the table (Alex LAUNCHED a corn chip across the table directly into Cheryl's burrito!)

When we got home, Squiggles was extra-social tonight! She normally doesn't appear until bedtime, but she decided to be upstairs....and Alex noticed! Here are some shots of her taunting her as she tries to hide under the chairs.

And a video of him taunting - - she actually hissed (I don't think that you can hear it....)

Yes, he had made a HUGE mess with my lids - and dishrags. Yes, that is also my shoe in the shot....nothing is safe with Alex around...... :)

Then the little man was SO SILLY and was trying to stand on his head. I think that he has seen some of the older kids try it at childcare, so he was showing off his gymnastic side tonight. Don't worry, we aren't going to buy the ballet shoes yet. :)

And a shot of our handsome man - with a silly face~


Claudia said...

I also noticed the "baby-proofing cabinet lock on the floor. Very effective! :)

The Bowins said...

Yeah, just one more thing that this little man has figured out!

Anonymous said...

He is inventive, isn't he!
