Wednesday, January 23, 2008

$1250 and CPR

Okay, let's put on our Jeopardy thinking caps.....the "answer" is $1250 - let's see if you can guess the correct "question" - -

A. What is the amount that the average Nebraska teacher earns in one month?

B. What is two months of mortgage payments for a home in central Nebraska?

C. What is the total cost of fueling up a Chevy Trailblazer in January?

D. What is the amount it will cost you to fix a car THAT YOU HIT WITH A DEER??????

If you guessed "D", you are, unfortunately right. (Although B has some merit to it as well, D is the answer I was looking for - and since I am the Judge in this round, I say D.) Yeah - the only way that this could have cost more is if the thing actually took out the headlight.......ugh.....

Now to the highlight of my evening - Alexander. Andy was laying on the floor and had been reading some books to Alex. Andy laid on his back for a minute, and smacked his stomach. Alex thought that this was pretty funny, so he tried it too. HUGE GIGGLE!!! He then proceeded to continue smacking Andy's belly -- enjoy!

I especially LOVE the part where Alex "almost" hits a sensitive spot - Andy's bracing for that day! Also, it looks like Alex is practicing for CPR - only a bit too much on the stomach, and not enough over the heart - but FUNNY nonetheless!! :)

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