Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Tonight was a good night - when I picked Alexander up from childcare, he was WIRED!! He was running laps, being EXTRA-goofy, and full of smiles. I worried about him the better part of today, and seeing him so happy made me feel much better.

Tonight we wanted to share one of Alex's favorite books with you - the 5 Little Monkeys story. Alex has learned some of the actions to the book, and "hammed" it up for the camera.

Enjoy!! :)

Thanks to all of you who have called or e-mailed about Alex - we certainly appreciate your thoughts and prayers. We'll see what happens when he goes back next Wednesday. Until then.....we play! :)


Claudia said...

That was so cute!! I loved the finger pointing about what the doctor said! When the book was over, was that an "All done" I heard?

Anonymous said...


It was an "All Done". He says that at the end of books and when he's done eating. On Sunday at church, he said it (loudly) after the pastor said Amen. It was very difficult not to bust out laughing.

Anonymous said...

This is the best video yet! You guys are living with quite a little "ham" there, and I love it!

Claudia said...

LOL!!! That's cute. I guess he knows when pastor is done. Now if he could just teach Steven how to sit through the sermon. We've gotten pretty close, but not able to stay through the whole thing.
