Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blind Man Walking....

Once again, volleyball last night - and as we drove home at 9:45, guess what "wonderful" creatures we encountered - - Yep, DEER! And yes, I was driving.......thankfully, Alex was asleep and didn't wake up to my gasps and Andy's "DEER!!!!" comments - and we avoided them. The blasted things were crossing the road as we came over the top of a hill - therefore again, my blood pressure rises just thinking of the darned animal.....
Anyways, on to Alex (the reason you are all here anyways....) :)
Lately we've noticed that he likes to put things over his head - which is fine. Object permanance - great! But, what's not so great is that the little man decides to WALK around with this blanket over his head!

He's bumped into, fallen over, tripped onto, ricocheted off of furniture, and stumbled over the blanket so many times I am surprised that he hasn't learned his lesson. Most times it ends in tears - other times a HUGE grin!

Again, experienced parents - is this a stage? Or is this just the beginnings on ornery Alex? (and if it's orneryness, then I am going to blame Andy!!) :)

Happy the-week-is- half-over! I REALLY hope it's warmer where you are than where we are!!!!


Anonymous said...

This one is a stage. He's learning about predicting consequences of actions. He's asking will I always get the same result? That's why he went through the stage of dropping things. Will they always fall? Will they always make a noise? Now if he's still doing this when he's 3, that's orneryness!

Claudia said...

'm,mm 8777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777wef 8999999999999978k9dfg, 3v ..c

So says Steven
