Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

We wish all of you a happy new year - with many blessings and happy times.....

It was an eventful day at the Bowin household - we got a LOT of running done yesterday so that we could spend all day at home today....Andy had a few games he wanted to be sure to catch. So we finished up Christmas shopping, returning, exchanging, and gift-card spending yesterday, and then the unpacking, putting together, washing, putting away, cleaning, and using began today. It's now 5:30 - and we are DONE!! :) A pizza is on it's way to celebrate a hard day of work.
Here are a few shots from today (and one from yesterday) - -
Alex barracading himself in the kitchen by using his high chair, and then playing with all of my Corningware lids.....

We also gave Alex ANOTHER haircut today - I don't know if this is five or six - I've lost track. But it needed to be done again, especially around the ears and neck. Here's the PRE-shot:

And the POST-shot:

It was a great day and we did get a LOT done! Now it's back to "normal" schedules tomorrow - yeah!! (sarcasm) It's okay though, only 3 days until the weekend! :)

Here's a video of Alex's snack this afternoon - he was done eating, so Andy was going to eat the rest, and tried a little role-reversal. Alex played right into it! Too funny! :)

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