Sunday, March 16, 2008


This weekend we went to Lincoln to visit family. My grandparents' church has a HUGE craft fair twice a year, and we met my parents and sister from Missouri and had a nice weekend catching up.

While at the craft fair, Alex had all sorts of people to look after him! Grandpa Dave bought him a package of suckers, and he had a red one that was ALL OVER!! Down the front of his shirt, down his forearms, all over the person who was with him - - messy!! I was wearing a light green shirt, so the red showed up nicely. I tried to decide what was the lesser of two evils - red handprints on my shirt, or big water marks as I tried to clean it up.......
Another thing that Alex LOVED at the craft fair was a colored duck. Every time he saw them he would say "Duck" or "Quack, quack, quack." Even the craft fair ladies thought that it was hilarious. Again, Grandpa's job was to spoil (as is the job of every grandparent) and bought Alex the green duck. The lady offered to paint his name on it, so now he has his own personalized duck! While we were waiting for the paint to dry (which you all know how long that takes), the ladies offered Alex a "temporary duck" - - nope, we wanted OUR duck! Not even another green duck could fool him - he knew that he needed THIS duck!! So here's the picture of the much-awaited for duck.
When we got home, Alex wanted to show his new duck to Squiggles. Andy and I still laugh about it as we re-write it here. Alex was sitting on the floor, emptying the contents of his Easter Basket (also from Grandpa and Grandma), he grabbed the duck, yelled "DUCK" at Squiggles, and threw it at her. It hit her in the side. She had a shocked look on her face, and then ran off. Alex looked over at the two of us with a look that said, "Well, I told her to duck!" Too funny!
This game continued much of the night. I think that Squiggles did get a little tired of it, though. She was sitting on top of a pile of blankets we have in the living room. Alex walked over to her, she hissed, he held out his hand, and WHOMP, WHOMP, WHOMP! (Aunt Sarah frequently refers to this as "Boxing Kitty") She smacked Alex three times with a sharp right hook. Thankfully, she's declawed, so there was no harm, but it did bring a tear or two from the little man. I think that it was more shock than pain - but for tonight, he maintained a three-foot distance and threw his softball and football at her.
Just when I thought we were all beginning to get along........ :)

1 comment:

Claudia said...

LOL!! That is funny! He was just trying to show his kitty his newest treasure! As for the tears after kitty boxing: shock and could it be sadness? How could his kitty, with whom he just wants to share his toy, smack back at him?
