Friday, September 14, 2007

Daddy's Little Helper!

After picking Alex up from Julie's this afternoon, we decided to go to Andy's work and keep him company as he finished up on some paperwork.

Alex thought that Dad working on the computer was pretty cool, and he wanted to be Dad's "right hand man" - unfortunately, Dad didn't need too much help! Writing his daily notes is pretty much a one-man job, but Alex was there to keep him company!

It was so funny as Alex reached for this and that on Andy's desk - I just sat back and smiled as I thought "Move it away from the edge!" But, Andy enjoyed reaching out every 3 seconds to stop Alex from taking the paperwork off of his desk.

After each reach, Alex would look at Andy like "What did you do THAT for?????" It was pretty funny. After two or three times Alex started to reach, and then would look at Andy to see if he was looking. If not, Alex would go ahead with the reach. If Andy was looking, then Alex would just make his adorable ornery face.

After about 15 minutes of this going on, Alex finally decided to give up and play with Andy's radio. It was as if he was saying, "Alright - since you won't let me play with your stuff, I'll change the radio station to country - HA HA HA!!!

Be rootin' for our Huskers tomorrow! Let's beat USC!!! :)

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