Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bye Bye Bumbo!

Well, Alexander has had his Bumbo seat for about 7 months now, and I think that it's finally time to "retire" the Bumbo - - to be put away with the rest of the "next baby" things.....

We don't really use the seat too often anymore - it's basically a holding ground for some of Alex's stuffed animals in the living room. But a few days ago Andy put Alex in the Bumbo seat just to see what would happen.

Because I thought that it was pretty funny, we thought we'd place him in it and try to get a video of his escape. Instead, he decided that he'd play in it for a while (when will I learn that he will do things on HIS schedule, not mine?!?!!!!).....

Anyway, we have officially placed the Bumbo downstairs with the swing, infant car seat, bouncer, and the 0-12 month clothing.....ah, the baby things - -

No, the next baby isn't on the way - but in a couple of years, maybe.....sorry for those of that are hoping for sooner - - just not there yet. :)

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