Monday, October 6, 2008

Birthday List

I know that Alex's birthday isn't until the end of this month, and his party isn't until November 8, but there have been quite a few requests for what he "needs" - - and honestly, the boy NEEDS nothing....our house is crammed full of toys, books, and clothes. However, what kind of parents would we be if we didn't let him have what he WANTS every once in a while?!?!! :)

So, here is the list of some ideas - please don't consider this an exhaustive list, feel free to add whatever else you'd like, these are merely suggestions and recommendations. :)

-He's in 2T right now, and will most likely be for the better part of winter.....
-Heavy winter coat/snowsuit (something with pants, so he can go outside and play), boots (size 7), gloves/mittens and hat

-He's really into cars, animals, anything sports, tools, mostly "boy" stuff where he is "doing" things instead of just watching.....some ideas: or wooden blocks, lacing beads (the ones with holes in the middle and shoestrings - work on the hand-eye coordination)
-He LOVES our laptop - something computer of his own? (maybe that's just wishful thinking) :)
-any DVD's where you see kids singing - he LOVES to sing along, or Thomas, Little Einstein's, Sesame Street (especially Elmo),
-Books - he loves to read anything, so go for it!
-A kid-size chair of his own in the living room
-Wagon - here's one that we really like - -
- A tricycle that he can learn with -

-All else fails, money for his savings account will be fine. :)

Like I said, please don't consider this an exhaustive list, because I am sure there are other things out there that Alex would love that I have missed.

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