Saturday, May 24, 2008


Hello all!

Well, we have survived the monsoon of central Nebraska. It rained from about midnight on Wednesday/Thursday until early Saturday morning. Most of Friday was a downpour - and there was lightening and thunder to complete the entire picture. It was forecasted to rain all weekend, and this morning, it looked like the skies could open up at any second. But, then the sun came out, and it's 80 here now! Crazy Nebraska weather! (I finally had to turn the HEATERS back on yesterday, because the high was 50!) I hope they are OFF for at least a few months now!

Our town is having it's annual ExtraORDinary days - a carnival comes to town, there are all sorts of free meals (there was a free hot dog feed on the courthouse lawn at noon today - a fly-in breakfast at the airport tomorrow, and a catered BBQ tomorrow afternoon), and lots of fun things to do. Andy had to work this morning, so we went downtown (it's only two blocks away, for those of you who have not had the pleasure of visiting Ord) for some ice cream and to check out the rides. Most of them were geared towards older kids, but Alex was content to watch everyone else enjoy the rides. We sat on a park bench for a while under a nice shade tree and ate some ice cream. It was a really nice afternoon.

Then tonight - pregnant momma was craving lasagna, so that's what we had for supper. It wasn't quite as good as my mommy's, but it was definitely good. Alex really enjoyed it too, he had almost two full pieces, as well as most of a slice of cheesy garlic bread. YUM-O!! :)

My first full week at home with Alex was wonderful! It's amazing how his language is expanding every day! It seems like he is getting two or three new words every day - and attempting to say many others! Tonight I opened up a window that Squiggles like to sit in front of, so I called her name as I opened it. Alex was trying to say her name, and ran to all of her usual hiding places, calling her name the whole time. I'm amazed.

We've attached a video close to the time he was finished eating, and I tried to get him to say some of the words he knows, as well as a few new ones. "Bye-bye" is a new one - although he has been waving goodbye for months. Enjoy!

One other thing that Andy and I noticed today - as we were talking about his new tooth - we realized that we were NOT talking about the same place in his mouth. Insisting that I was correct (and Andy insisting that HE was correct), we found out that we BOTH were right. The little man is pushing through two top MOLARS towards the back, on either side. I think they are molars anyway - they are pretty close to the back of his mouth. Both sides have a little tip showing through. So, for those of you that are counting - the front top two and bottom front two have been in for months. There is one coming in on the top right - immediately next to his front two teeth. Then there are two other recently discovered "tips", both on the top, on either side.

My question is, "Is this 'normal'?" I know that every kid gets their teeth on their own schedules, but is it weird that he is getting molars (or at least back teeth) before the front ones have shown themselves? I guess I am already worried that there won't be room for them all! (Just one more thing I worry about - I know, I need to quit worrying!) Anyone else's kids been through a similar scenario? Thanks!! :)

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