Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekend Update!

Hello all of you faithful blog readers! We have been BUSY this weekend - but now I am home for the summer (YAY!), so hopefully the blog posts will become more frequent. I know, Andy has already expressed his "really little" hate for me because I have three months paid vacation.....I'm willing to take the shots - go for it! :)

We had a very busy weekend. We went to Grand Island on Saturday morning to purchase my birthday/Mother's Day gifts. I wanted to get new pots and pans as well as new silverware. We found a really great deal on both at Kohl's. (I have to keep my mom in business, you know!) The rest of Saturday we spent washing all of the new stuff, wiping out the kitchen cabinets (because as long as I was cleaning out a couple, why not go for all of them!). We threw out expired things, and realized that we have quite a bit of stuff that we had forgotten about!

Today Andy had baseball practice, but Alex and I stayed home. He hadn't had his nap for the day yet, and Andy was planning on a 2-2 1/2 hour practice. He came home quite crispy, so I am doubly glad that we decided not to go. Andy also wanted to get the lawn mowed, so Alex and I kept him company this afternoon while he did that.

While Andy was cutting the lawn, Alex wasn't too sure of the lawn mower. He seemed fine with it last weekend when we watched Andy cut, but this week, I don't know if it was a lack of sleep or what, Alex had to be glued to me whenever Andy got close. As the "newness" of the mower wore off on him, Alex began giving Andy directions. When Andy would get to the end of a line or section, Alex would point the new direction Andy was to go. Most of the time Alex would be pointing in a direction that would lead Andy futher away from us - but never fail, at the end of each row, there was Alex trying to lead Andy in finishing the lawn. What a silly little guy!

After the grass was successfully snipped, Alex and I ran around a bit. It was 70 outside, so we stayed out for quite a while. I would chase Alex, he would chase me, it was a blast! One of the things that had Andy and I cracking up was this:

Alex would trip and fall down and then raise his arms and legs way up so they weren't touching the grass. He would eventually get up on his own, but it was sure funny that he did this every single time!!

You can't see it from this shot, but his shirt was COVERED in grass! He had been playing in some water earlier, and his shirt wasn't quite dry yet. With the freshly cut grass, you can imagine what this shirt looked like!

And a smile for the camera! You can also see in his little paw his beloved rock, affectionately called, "mine." He seemed to have discovered that word this past week, because we heard it ALL WEEKEND!!! Mine, mine, mine, mine.......yes, little man, just about everything here is yours - but, come November, things will change! :)

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