Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend!

Happy Memorial Day everyone! (And Happy Birthday to Grandma Annette!)

We have had a busy weekend at home! Andy's ball games were cancelled Friday night because of all of the rain - so we spent extra "Daddy time" - which we always love!

We had leftover lasagna - and this time we stripped Alex down to his diaper. You can still see the mess! :) There STILL is a cute boy under all that mess!

We also did some yard work. We wanted to get more fertilizer on the lawn, but the grass needed to be a little damp, so we turned the sprinklers on for a few minutes. When we went outdoors to check them out, Alex acted like he wanted to feel the water, too. When I bent over to show him how to do it, he seemed to get the idea......

Maybe not!

And then today - we have done some major cleaning out, de-cluttering, etc. so our garbage can was quite full. The garbage guys come on Mondays (holiday or not), and it was exceptionally windy this morning. Andy grabbed a tarp strap to try to hold the lid down to prevent fly-away garbage. The tarp strap had a different idea....


Then we went up to the lake to grill out for lunch. It was a little breezy, but it was nice to be outside and watch the water. We did see a four-foot bull snake (eeewwww!), luckily it stayed quite a ways away. We drove around for a while, and then came back home. Steak is what's for supper - and then baths! Hope you all had a great weekend!!

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Ummm... OWWW!!! That had to hurt.
