Sunday, August 12, 2007

Weekend in Lincoln!

We spent this past weekend in Lincoln visiting Great-grandparents and other family! We didn't have a chance to stop and see them on our "tour" last week, so we wanted to go and see them.

Once again, Alex didn't fail in surprising me with the things he chooses to play much for baby toys!! Here he's in a box playing with Grandpa's unopened bag of pistachios.

Alex also had a bit of fun playing with my cousins - Elijah is 6 and Sophie will be 4 - but he watched them more than he played with them. Here he is in the cool indoors as Elijah is HOT outside - they had fun mimicking each other!

On the way back home,we stopped to gas up - and look what was waiting for us! Andy took the picture of this praying mantis as it touched his hand...don't worry, Alex and I were locked in the car as Andy played with the bug - all I have to say is "EEEWWWW - A BUG!!"

I also snapped this picture of the clouds - it was really cool. :)

We also picked up our rock this weekend (that was ordered on the 4th of July in Seward). Here it is in it's new home - doesn't it look nice? We're also the "model image" on their website! Here's the link: Big Red Custom Rocks

1 comment:

Claudia said...

What a cute picture of Alex in the box. I appreciate that. How cute. Kinda like a cat.
I also appreciate that mantis. I LOVE bugs. Particularly bees (not hornets, wasps, or yellow jackets) and spiders. Yes, spiders!
