Thursday, July 17, 2008

Acta Update!

Well, after all of this excitement with the remodel the past few weeks, I completely spaced my monthly Dr. visit! (oops!) I finally went in on Tuesday, and the Dr. wanted me to do the glucose test. So, it was scheduled for this morning.

For those of you who didn't know with the Alex glucose test - things were fine at the beginning (pre-test), and then I drank the orange fizzy pop stuff. Thinking back, I am 99% sure the nurse told me to go home and eat something so I could take my vitamins. When I went back an hour later, my sugar was at 132. Dr. Julie, who always tends to be overly cautious, wanted me to limit my sugars because she wants the number to be under 130. So, this time, I was nervous - I didn't sleep too well last night......

Last night was the beginning of the baseball tourney, and Andy's team WON 9-3 vs. Ravenna. They played an outstanding game - but it didn't get over untli 7:45ish, so I didn't get supper until after then (beginning my worry #1 about the test this morning). Concession stand food - low sugar - right?!!?! :) I had a hot dog and a few nachos - and NO popcorn!! When we got home around 10:30 I had terrible indigestion (another baby with TONS of hair??), so I had to eat something. Grrrr....begin worry #2.

I tried falling asleep, but it wasn't coming. The indigestion was still bugging me, so I took some Tums (didn't look at the clock when I did this) it was 12:30. The nurse told me NOTHING to eat or drink after midnight. Worry #3.

After tossing and turning all night, and saying about a million prayers, I finally passed out around 2:30. When Andy's alarm went off at 6:30 this morning, it was way too soon. We all had a fairly late night last night, so I felt bad waking Alex up so I could take him with me to the Dr. office to have the pre-test done. (My appt. was for 8:30).

Apparently my Dr. has found some research or something where she doesn't like the orange fizzy pop stuff, (remember that she's overly cautious - which I am grateful for) so they asked me to bring in 24 ounces of Coke or Gatorade. So, fruit punch it was. My pre-test number was 79. After drinking the Gatorade, they told me to go home or run errands - still not to eat or drink anything - and come back in an hour. **This is where it donned on me that I am SURE that I ate something the last time they did this with Alex.

I tried to pass the hour doing anything I could think of - - laundry, go to the bank, run a couple things around town for Andy, organize the t-shirts we are selling - -and finally the hour was over. My stomach was cramping as Alex and I walked back into the office. I held my breath as she pricked my finger and held it up to the reader. The result was a whopping 99!!! :) YAYAY!!!!! That's when I told her about when I was pregnant with Alex, and she shared that a nurse that no longer works there had told a couple of other ladies to go home and eat during the test - so at least I wasn't alone!! :)

Anyway, I am thrilled. Bring on the popcorn! :)

Baseball games again tonight, Andy's team plays the #1 seed - Shelton-Gibbon. If they play like they did last night, they have a great shot at winning this one! If you are curious how the tourney is going, click on the link off to the right. We are trying to keep it updated nightly.


1 comment:

Claudia said...

Yeah! No gestational diabetes! I'm so glad things went so well. I know that the glucose test can be stressful, but your story seems particularly stressful. Now it's done and you can enjoy popcorn all you want!
