Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday, Monday......

I think that there's a song that goes like that......

Today was a typical Monday. After the beautiful weather yesterday we woke up to mid-20's...snow, wind, and made yesterday seem like a dream. Oh well, I did hear some birds early this morning, so that MUST be a sign that spring will eventually be here.

We didn't get any pictures of Alex tonight - I don't think that he slept well, and I think that he is battling a little cough/cold. So it was to bed early, and he was somewhat grumpy for the time he was awake tonight. I also think that he's cutting a couple more teeth, so that doesn't help matters....poor little guy, I want to make him feel all better!

I also have been feeling tired and blah lately - - don't know what it is, maybe I'm fighting something too. Andy seems to be the only one of us that is okay. (Let's hope he stays that way!)

Something for your prayers - besides our health - - I just received a phone call from the Ord Public Schools asking me to submit a cover letter and resume. While it would be a MUCH shorter drive for me (about 2 miles round trip as opposed to the 60+ to Sargent and back), I really enjoy where I am. I've decided to apply and see what happens. Andy and I are also thinking and praying about the pros and cons of a switch. They may already have someone in mind - but it's never hurt to weigh your options.

Thanks everyone! I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow!! :)


Claudia said...

Good luck to you. I send my thoughts your way and my prayers to the Lord.

davefrank said...

You have our prayers, too. THe Lord knows what will happen. Sometimes it's best just to stay out of His way.
