Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Clean Ears!

Volleyball last night - we're 5-2!!! :) Now no more volleyball until our tourney on the 23rd...(unless they decide to make up a game from a couple of weeks ago - that may be next Monday night, we'll see!)

Alex had the last of his "15-month" checkup today - and the ears were CLEAN!!! :) YAY!!

So he, unfortunately, was able to have the shots he needed. It was only two, so not a huge deal, but we cried nonetheless. (Ryan, Andrea, and Rogan - I thought of you as they brought the shots into the room - - I double-checked with the nurses before they gave them to him! Dr. Julie (our doc) said that she'd be HAPPY to have you come and see her if you need to - but she does understand the drive!) :)

They didn't do any more of the "specifics" as they just did this last week. We do think that he has a couple more teeth getting ready to pop out anytime now.....fun times! :)

Our little man wasn't too upset afterwards, though. This was taken right after supper (at about 6:15) - - silly man!! :)


Claudia said...

It won't be long before he figures out how to climb out of that! Fifteen months already. It is going even faster this year than last year went! By the way, I like your new blog layout. I know you did it over a month ago, but I wanted to make sure I mentioned it!

bobbi said...

nwyizfjust checking to see if I can do this. He gets cuter every day.

Daryl and Annette said...

We're so glad the ears are clear. We've been so worried for him. Keep the adorable videos coming!
