To celebrate the day, we are showing off Alex and his newfound kicking abilities (he frequently grunts as he kicks the ball.....)
And then on to why we named this post what we did.......
As he was playing early this afternoon, Alex tried to knock himself unconscious by running into the wall - and then falling onto the baseboard heater. OUCH!!! Here's a shot of his new bump (it's a REAL gooseegg - I feel so bad for him!!) It's right between his eyes - this is the best shot we could get of it. I'm sure it will keep developing, so we can get a better shot in the next few days.
We did ice it while he slept - he SCREAMED every time we got the ice near it while he was awake. I think it helped a little - but it must've hurt, because he took some Tylenol willingly!!!
Ouchie!! That's a good one. I hope your little guy feels better!
The little foot ball video is cute!
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