Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day to all of you dads out there - and a special one to the grandpa's reading this....we love you!!!

A special post just for today, because we (Alex and Christine) made a special treat for Daddy for today, and we JUST had to share!! :)

First (because Blogger won't let me re-arrange the pics......this is really frustrating me lately!), here's Zach's latest adventure.....going backwards under the highchair! :)

And now our special treat for Daddy.....Alex and I made these cupcakes, and Alex told Daddy, "Daddy, I love you MOWER!" Isn't it just adorable?!?!? :)

Here's Alex with a couple of his treats. (Actually he was a fairly good helper...he sorted the Skittles, helped add the coconut to the top, and handed me the cupcakes to frost)......he ate quite a bit in the process, too!!

One of Zach's "I'm just too tired, let me fall asleep right here" positions (don't worry, Daddy was close by, he just moved for the picture)

Alex being too shy for the camera (plus, if you look up by his hairline on this side, you'll see his new "goose egg" - he thought it would be funny to put the kitchen towel over his face, run FULL FORCE from the laundry room to the kitchen table (where Zach was seated)....only he veered off course and ran into the side of the fridge. Ouch.)

Another one of Zach's sleeping positions.........

And Alex with Great-Grandma Frank's shoes on....he LOVES them!! (And don't you LOVE Alex's outfit?!?!? It's just fantastic having a 2-year-old who HAS to choose his own clothing!! How early on can you teach "matching"????) :)

Again, Happy Father's Day to all! :) I'm off to try to take a nap - the rest of the house is sleeping, so I am going to try to catch a wink, too! :)

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