Monday, June 2, 2008

BUSY Weekend!

We had a fairly crazy weekend! The Bowin grandparents made it out our way on Friday night, so we were able to spend the weekend with them.

On Saturday, Andy had two games against Broken Bow in Sargent. The guys played well, but Broken Bow got on a roll and didn't stop. (They also played VERY dirty, in my opinion!) Alex had fun walking around the field, looking at the "bobs" that were there, playing with his outdoor toys (thanks, Aunt Elly), and looking (staring) at younger "babies". He also "dropped" his fever Saturday evening, which I was very thankful for. He must have just had a bug or something - but if we didn't do the tylenol/ibuprofin every two hours, you could tell! Yay for getting better!
Sunday was the beginning of Sargent's annual Chokecherry Jamboree and fair days. They have a pancake feed every year, and they ask the Teacher's Association to serve every year. Andy loves the sausage, and Alex loves pancakes, so we all went over. They also have a park there, so Alex enjoyed playing on that with his grandparents.
Here's Grandpa Bowin helping Alex get his shoes on.
Everyone at the park.
And a nice picture before they had to go.

Alex was absolutely exhausted! He fell asleep in the short 30 minute drive BOTH to and from Sargent, as well as in the car on the way to Gibbon last night for another two baseball games. Andy's guys played well again, but fell short. They are impoving with every game, so that is encouraging. They really struggle with pitching, so once they get that all figured out, I think that they will do really well.

Alex also slept the entire way home from Gibbon, even though we drove through a mid-Nebraska hurricane. The rain was blowing so hard that it was almost impossible to see the edges of the road - but we made it home safely. Now it's on to another week - Alex slept in until 8:15 this morning, and took a fairly good nap this morning. He's now munching on pizza, and I am trying to catch up on laundry.

Have a great week everyone! :)

1 comment:

Claudia said...

MMMM, Pancakes, Ahhhhh!

So, when's you "big" ultrasound? Are you feeling Acta move around yet?
