OK, let me give you fair warning - this may be picture overload - - but I don't think that I will hear any complaints, because they are almost ALL of Alex - - enjoy! :)
Andy needed to mow the yerd tonight, because the grass was reaching "we'll lose something" level because of all of the rain. So while Andy worked, Alex and I went out for "moral support". Andy also needed to spray the weeds in the back, so he got the hose out and began working on all of the weeds. Alex found a fun running game (I know, who thinks that running is actually FUN??), where I would count "1, 2, 3, GO!" and he would take off running back and forth on the sidewalk. Here's a shot of him running.

Then he noticed that I had my camera phone out, and seemed to want me to take a picture of him. I took one, and then he took off running. By the time he got back, I had put my phone down, but he pointed at it and acted like he wanted me to take another shot of him. Here are the succession of shots that we have.....they can pretty much speak for themselves.......

Andy also found an "interesting" plant while he was spraying....this plant was TRIPLE sprayed!!!
Um.... Christine, what kinda stuff are you growing out there in NE? I thought you were a good Lutheran girl!
As to Alex... What a cutie patootie!! I love the cute faces he's making for the camera. Steven is just now starting to do that, and it is SO cute!
Like I said, that "plant" got TRIPLE the weed killer! It's just a wild patch of weeds, and the wild stuff is all over the place out here. Thanks for giving me a hard time, though. :)
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