The past few days there has been a "bob" (dog or puppy to the rest of the English-speaking population - but "Bob" to Alex - remember the post about my sister and brother-in-law's dog named Bob? - That's where the name has come from. Bob is a memorable dog - a St. Bernard and something mix.....anyway, he's huge.) Okay, back to the pictures.....
The past few days the dog from the house behind ours has a dog that has been getting out of his gated yard, and has come over. The first day he and Squiggles had a close encounter as Squiggles tried to escape into the garage, where this dog already was. I think that poor Squiggles lost 2 of her 9 lives then.....ANYWAY (I am getting de-railed a LOT tonight!!)
Alex has been slowly warming up to this "bob" - at first he needed someone else to go with him, and he would giggle and act silly, not at all petting the dog. Today, Alex was the bold one and didn't need help at all - he would go over and pet him, and followed him (I am assuming this dog is a boy) all over the place. Here are a few shots of their adventures....
"I think that if I talk to Mom real nice, she will let you come in - we can chase the cat, she has it comin' to her!!"
"Mom, look what I found! Can I keep him?!!??"
Then the bob took off - not heading towards home, but down the street towards Homer's house. Alex followed him as far as he could - and I took off after him. You can barely see the bob turning off of the sidewalk - almost under the blue car. By the time Alex got down to the end of the sidewalk, the bob was no where in sight. Alex began BAWLING! Uncontrollable, tears flowing, no consoling, just give me my dog cry. He had only napped for 1 hour, so his emotions were already on his sleeve - and his sleeves were short! :) We'll see if the bob returns tomorrow.
Now for pictures of the bathroom - they have the shower DONE - and it is "resting". I guess the tile has to rest for 24 hours before you can grout it, and they are nearly done with the floor now (it's 10:00 and they are still working). I think that the schedule is to work on the kitchen floor tomorrow because the bathroom floor will be "resting" - and Dad seems to think that it won't take too long. I hope that these guys will talk to me after this is all over with - they have been putting in long hours and working A LOT! So here's the shots of the finished shower.....
Andy was MIA tonight, he had a ballgame in Sargent. He just got home, and he said that his Juniors played the best they have ever played in the 3 years he's coached them! They won 10-0, and had a no-hitter!! Yay for them! The Seniors on the other hand - played a good game - but still lost. Three more games - Friday, Sunday, and Tuesday, and then the season is over - just the tournament to go! :) Where has the summer gone!?!! :)
More pics of Alex and of the bathroom (and maybe some of the kitchen!) tomorrow! :)
1 comment:
Those are adorable pictures!
I bet you'll be glad when your project is done. It's looking very nice.
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