Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Sorry, I don't have time to write much tonight, the guys are scrambling to try to finish up the walls yet tonight (it's 10:30 now) - so I am going to offer to help since the little man is off in dreamland. :)

Here are a few shots from throughout today - the tile is going up!!

And a shot of Alex - he has been especially tired and cranky lately - I am wondering if he is not getting more teeth in - - he won't let me look in his mouth, so we'll have to wait and see! This was a shot of nap #2 today (he's been napping only once for at least the past 6 weeks - - who knows??!!!??!)

1 comment:

Claudia said...

See if you can tilt Alex backwards for a giggle-fest. While he's virtually upside down and laughing, sneak a peak at those pearly whites. That's how I saw that Steven is, indeed, getting his two-year molars; two on one side are already in and the two on the other are just starting to peak through.
