My couch! (and bath toys)
Alex spent the better part of today soaking EVERYTHING he could get his mouth on. (My shoulders on my shirt are still soaked from earlier today!) He licked, spit on, blew raspberries on, and gummed everything that could even remotely come close to fitting into his mouth. Here he is gumming the arm of the couch - -
And Andy is enjoying his newfound fame with the bath toys. I guess now it's like a "hide and seek" as to where I am going to find them next. Today they at least were in the bathroom - keeping company to my plant. Where will they end up tomorrow?
And as far as I know, Claudia, there aren't any plans to take over the world - just my sanity. :)
Which teeth are coming in? I can't remember what you said. Or will it be a surprise?
I don't know which teeth - this will be our FIRST one!!!
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