Thursday, July 19, 2007

I love Wal-Mart!

Sorry Ryan, but it's true.....

And why do I love Wal-Mart? Because they have the cutest baby things!!

Example 1:

In case you can't read it, the shirt says, "Naps are the enemy" - -
And today they certainly were! My normally three-1 1/2 to 2 hour naps per day baby has only slept for 2 hours today, and we are C-R-A-N-K-Y now! (I left him with his father for the moment to have a minute of quiet!!!) But these pictures were taken fairly early on today, while he was still happy.

I also had to take the "ironic" picture - of him sleeping in his "Nap enemy" shirt - although you can't see the shirt in this picture. He wouldn't let me get his "lovey" away from him.....

That's okay - he's still adorable!

Okay, so I guess I only gave you one example - and it's not only the shirt that's adorable, but the baby inside of the I guess I should say that I love my baby in Wal-Mart (or any other cute) stuff! :) And he seems to be cute no matter what he's wearing (or not wearing, as the video a couple of days ago showed!)

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