I did snap a picture of the guy delivering the rock. He was kind enough to drop it off in the backyard instead of the front, as it the usual policy for the delivery company. Here he is coming down the alley with the first load of rock.

Once Andy came home from work, it was off for more work! Here he is finishing up with the third stone - he suggested we take a picture after each stone, but he didn't want to take up the first two, and we didn't want to completely bore you, so we decided a few shapshots would be enough. :)

As Andy pounded each stone in, I was the "official carry girl" - I got the next stone and handed it to him, and occasionally swept more sand where he needed it....I also fixed supper, and that was about all that I did tonight - I felt pretty much helpless as Andy did most of the work....but he said that I did a lot, so I guess I should just take his word for it.
One member of the family did slack out on the work - I took a shot of him as he was napping......

We did get quite a bit done - this was at 9:45 - Andy was still at work! We are a little under halfway done - but we think that the hardest part is over! I did begin to sweep the sand into the cracks, so that's why some of it still appears sandy.

Hopefully we can get Alex to contribute a little more tomorrow :)
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