Alex vs. Squiggles - Round 1
As you can tell from the title, Alex decided to go after his nemesis, Squiggles the cat this morning. (FYI for those of you that don't know - she is de-clawed, or else I would have been watching this much more carefully without the camera!) She casually walked across the living room floor, as she does most mornings.....but this morning was different. Alex watched her strut by, as he usually does, but then he decided to follow her. He crawled after her all the way back into our bedroom, Squiggles watching carefully all of the way.
Alex got fairly close to her quite a few times, and then Squiggles would hiss and arch her back. Alex didn't seem to care that the hiss meant "stay away," instead he would do his own version of a hiss at her.
Once Alex had Squiggles successfully cornered in the bedroom, he sat down to catch his breath. Squiggles, again, casually strutted by, and then jumped up onto the bed. You'd think that she'd learn her lesson, but after all, she is a cat!
We've been telling the cat for 8 months now that Alex is going to get her one day, and today I think that she finally began to believe us.
We knew this day was coming! Life as she has known it just ended for Squiggles. I bet this is just the beginning.
Mom (Annette)
Ha ha. Honestly I think it's great that your cat will be put in place by Alex. Sorry but your guys' cat is creepy. Yeah! Alex keep up the pursuit.
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