Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Boys, Boys, Boys!!

The other day for nap time - as I checked on both boys - I found that they were sleeping in almost the same position....AND both had to have their faces buried in "stuff"....crazy how these two are so much alike! :)

Last week, as Alex was finishing up his supper, and Zach was trying to eat his, the boys had a "yelling" match.....Andy and I were trying to figure out if we only run the "Nut House" or if we live in it. :)
The other night, while Zach was figuring out everything that he could get into, he found a cute little noisemaker.... :)
Look familiar?? Same doorstop, different bathroom (since we remodeled last year...) :)
Alex's Doorstop (it's the last video on that post)
Zach helped me fold laundry one day - and then he pulled himself up on the basket and proceeded to push it all over the place! It was pretty amusing to watch his little "Elvis hips" go as he figured out how to move each foot and get around. Who knows - maybe he'll follow his brother and be an early walker! :)

This past Sunday we put some "bases" down for Alex to run to after he hit the ball....he knew "first base", "second base", "third base", and "home". Monday night, when we were outside playing again, Alex ran around the yard (backwards - towards third base instead of first...) AND combined a couple of the base names. As he rounded the oval (his pattern was not a diamond...), he seemed to combine "first" and "second" - - which made for a pretty amusing phrase. :) Let's see what you think he says..... :)

To us, it sounded like, "fricken' base" :)


That's it! Enjoy! I don't know when our next post will be, we have a pretty busy next couple of weeks (WHERE has my summer gone?!?!)


Daryl and Annette said...

It's always so fun to see how the boys are changing! Thanks for the post.

Claudia said...

Now let's hear him say "dump truck" and see what he comes up with... :)
