Monday, November 12, 2007

Wonderful Weekend!!

We had a WONDERFUL weekend - we stayed at home and had fun just being together. We have had company for the past month, and while we love to see friends and family, it's nice for it to be "just us" once in a while.

I realized that Squiggles the cat hadn't been on the blog in quite a while - so here is a picture of Alex sharing one of his toys with her. She liked how it "crunched" whenever she moved.....Alex didn't seem to bother her too much, they must have come to an understanding. :)

Alex has been expressing quite a bit of interest in utensils - so tonight we let him try and feed himself his veggies with a spoon. Although most of the veggies ended up getting into his mouth via the hand (not the spoon), he had the right idea. It'll be another couple of days before we're ready for soup - well, maybe a bit longer. :)

Alex also got away from us the other night after his bath - Andy shot this video, which is quite's just too cute to see those little baby butt cheeks running away! Luckily we were able to catch him before any "accidents" happened. :) Enjoy!
