But let me start this post with my own waiver - I LOVE SNOWMEN!! Christmastime is the only time that they are able to come out of storage and cheer up any room. I feel sad that they sit in the dark boxes for 11 months of the year.......so I decided to get some of them out. Note that I said some. Andy hangs his head in shame as this is only a small portion of my snowman collection. I am an addict.

I know that some of you are shaking your heads in disgust (sorry, Dad), because it's not even Thanksgiving yet and here I am breaking out Christmas.....oh, well....I am guilty as charged. I don't have the tree up yet (maybe this weekend??), and there are still quite a few decorations that won't make it out for quite some time. But I have a few out, and they will find homes around this house for a little longer this year.
On a different non-snowman note, Alexander had fish sticks for the second time tonight. We were a little skeptical about this experience, since his first time didn't go over so well. Tonight he loved them! In fact, we couldn't cut them up fast enough for him! A little applesauce and milk, and we had a very full (and VERY messy) boy!

PERFECT!!! Snow for the snowmen! I LOVE holidays and holiday decorations. This is my first year that I wanted Christmas decorations up (at the stores) before Halloween. I think that has mostly to do with Steven. I am SO excited to share my love for lights and decorations with him. Besides, Thanksgiving is less than a week away! ***GASP*** Just where did November go? Therefore, with that in mind, BRING ON THE SNOWMEN!!!!!!!!
You're right: guilty, guilty, guilty!
On a serious note, this will be a fun first Christmas for the three of you.
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