Tonight we went to visit Dad as the clinic was closing down for the day. I think that Alex was getting quite hungry, so he was in a very touchy mood. I think that he wanted to play with the paper shredder, which I was against (what am I thinking??), and he decided to throw a little tantrum.
We just so happened to get a picture of this little tantrum -

Then when I got down and tickled him, we became all smiley!

Then it was back to crying.

We've been Tylenol free for about 5 hours now - so I am thinking that we are in the clear. Alex has also NOT wanted to snuggle - which was all that he has done the last three days. He still seems a little tired - but SO much better compared to the last three days! Thanks again for all of you who have been thinking and praying for him (and us!).
Have a FANTASTIC Friday! :)
Glad to hear Alex is doing better. It's nice to have a cuddly child, but not when you know the reason for the cuddles is because he doesn't feel well (it was the same way with Steven). I'll continue to pray for your little man!
By the way, I LOVE the Denver Bronco outfit!
YEAH BRONCOS! I asked for that same outfit for Christmas! :)
SO he's walking cool is that?!
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