Monday, June 22, 2009

Hide and Seek!

Because the weather decided to go from mid-April to August overnight (the past few days it has been 60's and rainy - today was close to 100, with a heat index of 105), we came up with some games to play inside. One of them was Hide-and-Seek....which really was more like "Andy-hide-Zach-and-Alex-try-to-find-the-crazy-places-that-Daddy-hides-him" It was quite fun!

Here are a couple of videos from the night:

And another round - this time Zach wasn't quite as cooperative....he made noises!! :)

We have another video, of Alex and Daddy playing "baseball" - it's more Alex hitting and running to and from second base.....and calling "strike 1" every time.....but it's pretty cute. Maybe I'll upload it tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

Daryl and Annette said...

What fun videos! We're so lucky to get posts so often the last few days. It's always fun to see what Mom, Dad and the boys are up to.
