Tonight's pictures are right after both boys woke up from naps....Zach was in the crib in the boys' room, and Alex slept out in the living room. Zach woke up first, so I was back playing with him in their room, when Alex walked in. Silliness ensued.
Zach beginning to pull himself up on the crib (this was before Alex woke up) - -

This shot was just too funny NOT to put on here! (What do you think Zach's thinking??)

Zach pulling himself up with the help of the crib rail (yes, I know we need to lower the mattress.....just enjoy the picture for what it is.) :)

Zach's famous raspberries.....

Alex walks in...looks at me....then at Zach in the crib.......and screeches, "ZAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!" If it was someone else's kid making that noise, I would say that it's the most obnoxious sound I'd ever heard. But, it was my kid, so I can't say that.

They played peek-a-boo for a while.

Then Alex told me, "Stop, Mommy. No camera anymore." And this was the face he made.

So we're done. :)
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