Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Doctor Day!

Today was a BUSY day for us!

Zach had his 1-week checkup, and all was wonderful! :) He was back up to birth weight (8 lbs. 8 oz.), and his length and head circumference were still the same (20 inches and 14 inches, respectively). Dr. Lawrence said that he just looked perfect (which I already knew!), keep up what we are doing!

Then this afternoon Alex had his 2-year checkup, and again, all was wonderful! :) He is up to 34 and 1/4 inches, and 29.4 lbs. He was a little timid at letting Dr. Julie look into his ears and mouth, and especially didn't like when she had to check out his hips, etc. She was able to hear some of his language, which she is always amused at. His newest phrase is, "Come and get it!" when we are ready to eat - but he almost always leaves "it" off of the end, which is amusing. She decided NOT to give any shots today, because the only one that he is due for is the chicken pox, and she didn't want to give that to Alex with Zach so little, which I understand. She would like him to get it naturally, because the vaccine isn't that great....so we'll just hope that he holds off on the pox until Zach is 6 months old (then he'll be okay to get it, too). Dr. Julie thought that the rash that Alex got may have been stress related - since there wasn't too much else that had changed in his food or environment....poor little guy. (Now I am starting to worry about this weekend, because we are having his birthday party and Zach's baptism this weekend, so we will have a LOT of family here!! Hopefully all will go well and Alex will continue to be the trooper that he is! I also hope that Zach will "mellow" just a little - I think that his temperment is allowing him to be overstimulated quite easily, so hopefully he can have a good weekend as well meeting all of his new relatives! Here I go.....worrying again!!!)

So I think that it's all the news we have from here....just in case you are wondering, Andy and I voted absentee ballot a number of weeks ago - just because we didn't know for sure where we would be today. Turns out we could have gone to the polls today, but in case I was in labor or whatever else - we were able to have our say and vote. :) (Grandma Le and Grandpa Dave did, too!) :)

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Sorry I haven't commented for awhile. Things have been a bit crazy here. I just wanted to say that I think Zachary is SO precious. Alex looks so cute with him. I pray all continues to go well for you.
