Well, I originally stood in front of the computer hours ago in an attempt to get something written and uploaded on here - and it finally came that I have three extra seconds to actually type something on here! Life is crazy, but good. :) We had an excellent day today.
Anyway, on to the boys!
Thursday was Alex's 2nd baptism birthday - as well as Thanksgiving! He got a gift from Grandma Le and Grandpa Dave, which he immediately had to explore! Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!! 

Friday was Zach's one month birthday! I can't believe that he's a month old already - the time has truly flown by! He's just begun to smile - but I can never seem to get it on camera. Once he sees the silver box in front of him, that's what he's fixated on - I guess Aunt Rah-rah has him traumatized already!! (Rah-rah is THE picture lady - she always has her camera on her and snaps the best shots!!)

I meant to post yesterday, being that it was Zach's one month birthday. I also meant to post the day before that (the 26th) because it was Alex's baptism birthday. However, I think that the clocks in this house go straight from 8:15 pm to 1:15 am - because the time is gone! I get a lot done, and am just dead tired when I finally fall into bed, but I never realize just how late it's getting. I need to get it all worked out, because this will be my last week at home. :( Boo-hoo!!!
Anyway, on to the boys!
Thursday was Alex's 2nd baptism birthday - as well as Thanksgiving! He got a gift from Grandma Le and Grandpa Dave, which he immediately had to explore! Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!!
The next morning - well - just too funny!! (Must've been a rough night!)
I did get some pictures of Alex loving on Zach - enjoy!!
Today (Saturday) we went to Grand Island and had a GREAT time! We got some Christmas shopping done, and both boys were amazing! We went to the mall, went into just about every store there, went to Kohl's (Mom, you'll be employed for another year - I think that we spent enough to support the entire DC!!), Sam's Club (diapers and wipes seem to be flying off the shelves in our house!!), Wal-Mart, and then back to the mall for something we weren't able to find anywhere else.
Something else that we're working on -- potty training! Alex has been going at childcare, and will now willingly sit on the chair here at home. (There are two other boys that also are working on potty training at childcare, so Alex has taken an interest just because that's what his friends are doing. Julie reports that he has peed several times while sitting on the potty!) However, when we are at home, he would only sit fully clothed. This week he decided that we needed to take his diaper off and pull his pants down!! YAY! He hasn't gone yet, but just sitting there is a big step. (Yes, he has a cookie - I am not above a little bribery!!) :)
Finally, Zach makes the cutest little hand motions when he is sleeping. We call this one the "it was thiiis big" pose.
1 comment:
I love the pictures! Good luck with potty training. So far, after our lucky first few days, we have regressed in a major way. He's just now starting to show an interest in the toilet again.
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