Then it was on to the big project of the weekend - finishing up the paint in the bathroom. Last weekend we finally decided on the colors, and I think that it looks really cool. We did a "Bellagio Faux" finish - where you work a 3' by 3' section, lightly coating the paint onto your base coat. Then, 5 minutes later, you go back over that same section with a trowel, spreading it out and letting some of the base color show through. We did this twice - the base coat is the "nude" that we have had up since the beginning, and then the first finish was a darker brown, then we did this all again with a lighter tan shade. We are very happy with the's a shot for you to see!
Then it was on to cleaning the house. I always dread that part, but it always feels so good once it's done for another few days. I wanted to get it done before the Husker game, and with Andy's help, we did get it all done. Alex still isn't a fan of the vacuum, so he kept his distance while I worked. I had just pulled the sheets off of the line, so he found a comfortable place to sit while the vacuuming went on.
Then it was time for the Husker game. The Huskers looked pretty good, their defense is looking great! While we were watching the game, one of us (I can't remember who) yelled, "Go Huskers!" and our little echo repeated it! It took us quite a while to get it on the camera, but here is Alex's first "root" for a team! :)
Not shortly after the echo, Alex re-discovered a new game, with his landing zone now gone. (If you remember, Alex used to jump off the couch onto Andy - - this time there was no Andy...) We decided that we had better get a video of it so when we have to go to the ER with a broken leg or ankle, we can prove that it wasn't child abuse. :)
Then he put a new "spin" on it - - blinded! What this boy won't come up with......
Then today - we went to church where Alex set the record for smacking his head on things - - I am ready to sew non-skid patches onto his knees and butt! The wooden church pews and his khakis didn't exactly give Alex the resistance he needed to do what he wanted to get done!
After that we went grocery shopping, came home and finished the laundry, and played a while. Alex decided that today was going to be his ornery day - and he was FULL of the weird facial expressions ALL DAY today! He would get into things that he knew he shouldn't be into, just to see what Andy or I would do. As Andy was finishing up getting the toilet re-set (again) in the bathroom, Alex shot his Daddy this look.....
The bathroom looks beautiful! Good job, guys. Looks like Alex keeps you guys running every day.
Fun, fun, fun! Steven's a daredevil and a monkey, but I have to admit... If Steven jumped off the couch like Alex does, I'd die of a heart attack everytime!
Honestly, you don't need a TV, you have non-stop entertainment with Alex!!!!
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