Well, I had fully intended to come home tonight and take some pictures and/or video of Alex tonight to share with all of you - - but as the title reads, Alex had "different plans."
Tonight I think that he hit the beginning of the "terrible twos" wall and just kept trying to run through that brick wall - getting more frustrated each time that he hit the wall.
Honestly, tonight was one big tantrum. I hope that we don't have to have another night like tonight in a LONG time!!! He was fine until supper - then he got frustrated because he had mashed all of his carrots (trying to cut them). He threw his fork twice, threw carrots onto the ground, even leaned over out of his seat and proceeded to allow the drool fall from his face to the floor (that's a little bit funny, now - it wasn't too funny when he did it!). He hardly ate any of the roast we had, and needed both his milk and juice at his elbows. When he would attempt a bite (or a cut), he would knock one of the cups over, and then the crying would start all over again. Trying to move the cups up (so they were still within reach, but where he would not be knocking them over) was pointless - we would be screaming. So that was supper.
I bought some new books today from a Books Are Fun vendor that comes around to the schools in our area. They are some pretty cool picture books about bugs, trucks, kids, etc. I pulled those out thinking that it could get his mind off of whatever was bugging him......nope! He sat for one of the books, and then went over to get another one of his books, but melted down because he thought that one of the pages needed to be separated (it was a board book - with the thick pages!). It took forever to convince him that the pages were, indeed, NOT stuck together, but we shed quite the tears over it.
When we FINALLY got that book read, he wanted to sit on the couch for a while. I thought, "Great! He's going to be happy for a couple of minutes!" Wrong!!! He kept throwing his blanket, then wanted it, then didn't want it, then he wanted his juice, then he didn't want it, then he wanted some fruity jello. He wanted Mommy to hold it, nope, Daddy hold it. No! Mommy hold it, no, Daddy. This went on for a good 20-times. We finally put the jello back into the fridge because he couldn't make a decision.
A few minutes later he had calmed down enough, and decided that he wanted Mommy to hold the jello. Great! Can we be happy now? Nope!
He began to eat it, but then decided that he wanted me to read a book instead. I couldn't get up to put the jello down, he wanted me to put jello on the armrest of the couch.....sorry, little man, my better judgement is going to override you on this one. Daddy couldn't hold it, it couldn't go on the floor, crying, crying, crying.
Do you want to go outside? (Usually this has to be asked once, and he is out the door!) Not tonight! This resulted in more crying and tantrum-ing.
I wanted to make it as late as possible before putting him to bed, but finally at 8 (an hour before his usual bedtime) I had enough. We brushed his teeth (he didn't want to do it - yep, more crying), got him in his pj's, and he cried "Mommy" the entire time. So afer we had finished, I asked him to pick out his three books before bed (our usual routine). Nope - we had to throw another tantrum. So Andy picked out three books, kissed him goodnight, and left the room. Then even more screaming happened. Apparently, the "Mommy" he was crying earlier was only for that 5 seconds - he wanted Daddy now. So Daddy came back in, read him his books, and it's 8:12 now and the little man is sawing logs. It's the first time tonight I have had time to think!
I don't know if he is just not napping well at Julie's, if he is cutting teeth (heaven forbid that we actually be allowed to feel inside of his mouth!), has allergies (we all seem to be fighting some crud right now.....), getting sick (or is sick), or if it's just the two's coming on a little too soon. Whatever the reason, I don't want to have a repeat of tonight EVER again!!
Tomorrow night we have a football game in Sargent, so hopefully that can occupy him enough to keep him happy thoughout the night. I have to take tickets.....so Andy and Alex are by themselves until at least halftime! I also have my first appt. with my delivery Dr. tomorrow, so we will see how that goes. I'll be driving to Broken Bow after school to meet with her, so I will post about that most likely on Saturday sometime.
Until then.....pray for patience!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW!! I've had nights like that. All you want to do is beat your head on a wall, but you don't have time for that! On nights like this, don't be afraid to put him down early. I bet a lot of this stemmed from his exhaustion. I hope tonight is better!
I hope tonight went better. Sounds like he was overtired.
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