Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Baby Name?

Hello all!

We have a new "project" for all of you - guess the baby's name! Andy and I are pretty much set on what his name is going to be, although Alexander hasn't been able to say it yet (there goes your theories, Aunts Elly and Sarah).

We just thought that it would be fun to see what you all like!! :) The "polls" close on the 30th, so vote for as many as you like, as many times as you like! :)

No, there will be NO hints from either Andy or I. If you want to talk to Alex, good luck, he's all yours if you can get him on the phone (and he doesn't hang up on you - he has a knack of doing that). :)

Enjoy!!! :)

1 comment:

Elly Eckhoff said...

yActually... you can't vote as many times as you want... or at least my computer won't let me do it... I will say, though, that I think I know the baby's name... I'm about 90% sure... tehehe!
