Friday night after Andy got off of work, we headed out of town towards Colorado. We had smooth sailing until Julesburg (which is in the NE corner of the state) where we hit a monster of a storm. We had to slow down to about 40 mph because of the heavy rain and winds. That lasted for the next 60 miles or so, until we got off at the exit at Sterling. Andy's hometown is only 30 minutes south of Sterling, so we were glad the rain decided to let up then. The car was very clean by the time we got there!! :)
Alex even settled down to take a nap with Uncle Dallas.
(Carl also won the race today, and I am CONVINCED that he will be my sister's new boyfriend.....coincidence? I think not!) :) This HAD to be the most exciting thing about Kansas!
Then it was back on the road - Alex amused himself with his shoes, it was pretty funny! :)
Alex also tried singing in the car - you may need to turn the sound way up to hear this one, because he was singing softly......and a little shy of the camera!!
We were able to sneak over to Aunt Sarah's (Rah-Rah to Alex) new home and see it - it's beautiful! I can't imagine what it looked like before, because I think that she has painted every square inch of the home! It was nice to see her finally settled into "her place" and to meet her roommate, Laura. Alex took quite a liking to Laura, especially when she had the Sour Patch Kids candy. :)
Saturday we all went to Sedalia, Missouri to meet up with my sister Elly, her hubby Neil, and Alex's cousin Noah. (Neil's parents also came along - Elly's family was visiting them for the weekend.) We all went out to supper and then found a park to play in.
They had a TON of slides, all of which Alex had to try out. Here they are - enjoy! :)
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4 - This one sparked a debate - who will go down the slide first? Alex or Noah? Let us know who you think the winner is! :)
You couldn't guess it by the size of them, but Alex (on the right) and Noah (on the left) are 5 months apart. You can see Elly and Neil holding the boys, so you can see that genetics are on Noah's side, NOT on Alex's. :) They had a great time playing, and Alex's now refers to his cousin as "NoNo." :) How funny!!!
Both boys LOVED the swing, but there was only one! They both did a great job taking turns on it. Here was Alex's "photo opportunity" on the swing.
And Noah's turn.....
Then Alex decided to try his hand at the big boy swing...he did very well, he didn't fall off at all! Granted, he didn't get very high, but that's not bad for his first try at it!!
Alex also "tried" the rock-wall....but was not a fan. Good thing Daddy was close by to save the bail out!
Here is a shot of the SWEATY little man once we made it back to the car!! (We drove back to Grandma and Grandpa's and took a bath!!!)
This video was taken in the car on the way home - Alex was trying to shoot his cork out of his mouth using his hands (like he has seen his Daddy do lots of times) - it didn't work quite as well, which makes it all the more funny!!
Then we returned home was sad to be leaving family at both places, but it was also very nice to return home. We are all exhausted, and tomorrow I have a training in Kearney, so Alex will go to Julie's. I hope that he sleeps well tonight, because he will need LOTS of energy tomorrow with all of the other kids! Tuesday is a Dentist appt for me, and because I don't feel like entertaining Alex while I sit with my mouth wide open, he will go to Julie's for the morning. Then we spend the last of our summer days together - I have to go back August 13. Where, oh where, has my summer gone???!!?!?!
It's late - off to bed :) Home bed. :) (Isn't that the best thing about coming home?!) :)
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