It seems like for the last 2 weeks or so he wants to fall asleep at about 7:00 - we can't keep him happy at he goes to sleep. Then he wakes up at about 8:30, is awake for 15-30 minutes, and then is ready to go back down to bed.

Experienced parents out there (or even those that just want to offer their thoughts): Does he need to go to bed earlier? The thing is, though, that he's almost always up at about 6:30-7:00, and we really don't want him waking up earlier in the AM, so that's why we've stayed with the 9:00 bedtime. Any suggestions will be appreciated. :)
1 comment:
Toddlers this age still need 12-14 hours of sleep, so if he seems to need to go to be going to sleep so early and sleeping through the night, it might be exactly what he needs. Unfortunately, it isn't very great for you and the amount of time you and Andy can spend with Alex. How many naps a day is he getting at home? At daycare? What's the nap policy at daycare? It sounds like he might not be getting the quality sleep he needs at daycare. Either they have others still up distracting Alex (perhaps) or he just can't seem to relax there. Explain to the daycare that you miss spending time with Alex, and that the EXTREMELY early bedtime takes away from quality time that you could be having. Explain that there appears to be a need for change in naptime procedures (only a bit more tactfully, perhaps).
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