We hope that everyone had a restful Labor Day weekend - however, if the rest of you are like us, you need another weekend just to catch up on everything that happened over the weekend! It was a weekend of "seats" - - read on to find out more - - -
Friday afternoon I was starting to feel better with the new antibiotics (more about me at the end of the post), so we began to arrange a visit to Lincoln. My parents lent us a car, and it was time for us to return it to them, so Lincoln (the halfway point) was a great meeting place. Plus, the weather was warm and my Grandma didn't want to sit through the Husker game heat, so she had a ticket available. Andy's never been one to turn down a good game, so he was going to go along with my Grandpa to the game on Saturday. Nevertheless, we started to get ready to go to Lincoln Saturday morning.
Once in Lincoln (and donned in our Husker red), Alex found the perfect resting place at my grandparents' - - the recliner! HONEST - we didn't stage the "pose" - we only laid the footrest out. Funny how kids figure out what to do where - -

Alex found another chair on Sunday that he really thought he'd enjoy. This one was a little more his size.

Here is a happy smile for the camera! :)

Saturday also brought a little "surprise" - a HUGE spider! YUCK!!!!!! No worries for the bug-lovers out there - the spider was safely relocated from the garage to the shed.

Alex has started this new "kissing - head butting" thing - his mouth is wide open, like when he kisses, but he comes at you with such force that sometimes it hurts! He's even made himself cry a couple of times! Here is a cute video of Alex doing this to my sister Sarah at the breakfast table.
Monday was the day to head home - but before we left, Alex found one more seat that he LOVED to sit in! Grandpa had a swing in the backyard that was just Alex's size - you can see from the smile that it was a definite favorite!

Okay - for the "me" update - - after a rough 24 hours from Sunday noon to Monday PM, I am feeling much better. I have been taken off all of the medications, and been put on the "BRAT" diet - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast - to help to clear everything up. If this doesn't work in the next 2-3 days, then I will be sent in for a colonoscopy. SO, we are praying that this works!
Also, please keep Andy's family in your prayers - they lost a close member of their family this past weekend. Frank was a foster child who stayed with the Bowin's for a few years, and was like a brother to Andy. Although they hadn't spoken in a number of years, the loss is still close to home. The funeral will be Friday. Thanks for all of your thoughts.....
Cool spider! Thanks for sparing her life!
Christine, you are in my continued thoughts and prayers. I hope that all is well now that you are off the medication. Keep us updated!
hes super cute!
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