Once again, Alex didn't fail in surprising me with the things he chooses to play with....so much for baby toys!! Here he's in a box playing with Grandpa's unopened bag of pistachios.

On the way back home,we stopped to gas up - and look what was waiting for us! Andy took the picture of this praying mantis as it touched his hand...don't worry, Alex and I were locked in the car as Andy played with the bug - all I have to say is "EEEWWWW - A BUG!!"

I also snapped this picture of the clouds - it was really cool. :)

We also picked up our rock this weekend (that was ordered on the 4th of July in Seward). Here it is in it's new home - doesn't it look nice? We're also the "model image" on their website! Here's the link: Big Red Custom Rocks

1 comment:
What a cute picture of Alex in the box. I appreciate that. How cute. Kinda like a cat.
I also appreciate that mantis. I LOVE bugs. Particularly bees (not hornets, wasps, or yellow jackets) and spiders. Yes, spiders!
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