This morning I dropped Alex off at Julie's at about 8:00 - he had no problem going to greet the other kids and adults, and once I was out the door the tears started....even as I type this, they are coming back.....I hate to leave my baby!! Whew - breathe!! Anyways, I went home and began some work on our bedroom (we're painting - it helps the time away from my baby pass by quicker). I was quick to get back to him at about 11:30 - I just couldn't stand it anymore! We then went to Dad's office to take him and Cheryl out to lunch. Mmmmm, Chinese!! Once we got home from lunch with Daddy and Cheryl, Alex went down for a long nap. When he woke up, he was snuggling with EVERYTHING!! The most adorable was a pillow that we have in the living room - he would snuggle up to it, then pull away, readjust the pillow, and repeat the process all over again. I snapped a picture of him snuggling with the pillow.

I also had to snap a picture of his face - he was so happy! As you can see, he tried to grab the camera - but for once I was quicker than he was!!

I was encouraged today when Julie told me that Alex was just all smiles throughout his morning....I worried how he would adjust. I think that this being apart is harder on me than it is on him. She also thinks that he will be walking very soon - I could have told her that! He is pulling himself up on anything somewhat stable and "scootching" around on it! I still don't know where my baby went too - but I sure am having fun with this snuggly little man I have here!!
What a cutie! I missed seeing your posts and look forward to many more Alex-updates!
See, aren't those tickers great!
walking exciting. I have some college friends that have twin boys that are just starting to crawl...their screwed :)
What happened with the patio...I cant see the results of the poll :)
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