Thursday, August 30, 2007

Alex Walking?!?!?

Tonight Alex decided that he was going to try his hand and take a few steps on his own. He's been flying around everything that he can hold on to, but tonight he was showing his daring side and took quite a few steps on his own.

This video was towards the end of his walking stint - he was getting pretty tired. But believe us, he did take quite a few steps tonight, and would stand up on his own for long periods of time......

Julie (Alex's childcare provider) is just amazed at how "advanced" he seems. She told me today that he'd be walking by his first birthday (only 2 months away!!!), and tonight, for the first time, I think that she's right!

(On a non-Alex note: Sorry the posts haven't been frequent - I am going through some health issues, and am drained by the end of the work day. They started me on some new antibiotics today, so we are hoping that they work....once I am feeling better the posts will be more frequent. Thanks for your prayers and understanding!)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Sleepy Boy!

Alexander had a much happier couple of days since the haircut - thankfully!

However, I do think that he has started battling some type of cold....his nose has been running non-stop while he's awake, and when he's sleeping - it sounds like a herd of elephants is about to run through the wall.......

Anyways, he's been sleeping quite a bit. 3 naps on Sunday (up from his usual 2), and a L-O-N-G nap when he got home from childcare. He usually doesn't take a nap once we get home, but tonight he slept for 2 1/2 hours! And if he didn't have a messy diaper, he probably would've slept longer! Here are a few shots of the sleeping boy.....

Here's a shot that we took on Sunday - I meant to post it last night, but time got away from me! Alex, looking handsome as ever, scootching around on the kitchen barstools. Go, Alex, go!! :)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

4th Haircut!

Yes, that's right, 4th! Alexander's hair was getting quite long, and it was tickling his ears, so I got out the scissors once again and started snipping. Fortunately, there are still fingers, ears, eyelashes, and all previous parts still attached (except for the ends of some long hairs!)... It didn't go without some tears shed, however. I was able to get most of the haircut done while Alex was taking his afternoon nap, but then he woke up and I had to finish while he was awake and moving. Here's what he looked like right after I finished.....

Just a few moments after the above picture (and needing his nose wiped!), we're a little happier!

Here's getting ready for a smile - and trying to grab the camera!

And here's the money shot - smile and all!!

Here's a video - Alex was having a great time bouncing on Dad's lap - he finds the craziest things to do!! (I'm using the Blogger video instead of YouTube - please let me know if this doesn't work and I'll change it - thanks!)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!! Hopefully we'll post again tomorrow! :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What a Guy!

Alex was in the most adorable position when I went to kiss him goodbye this morning - I don't know how it can be comfortable for him, but it must've been because he didn't even budge as I smooched on him. Such a cutie!!

Once we got home from Julie's this afternoon, Alex was in an outstanding mood! He wanted to play, laugh, snuggle, and just be silly! It's one of those moments that will make me smile for the rest of my life - and once Andy walked in the door, the fun continued with him too. I keep saying "This is the best age" - and Alex seems to prove me wrong at least once a week, because I seem to be repeating this statement over and over! I did catch a shot of him right before he "tackled" me today....

Once supper was over, Alex was exhausted! He went down for a nap, and after about an hour (it was about 8:00), we decided he needed to wake up in order for him to want to sleep at is a video of Andy trying to wake Alex up as he snuggled with me. The really funny part is that he did this about 7 times before we thought to get the camera! And as you can hear, I thought that this was hilarious! :)

Again, what a guy!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Happy or Cranky??

Alex has had an interesting couple of days - he goes back and forth from being super-happy to super-cranky in no time flat! Here are some examples:

An action shot where Alex is mid-scream (and head throw-back)

Alex playing in his room - so very happy to be with all of his stuffed animals!

Alex finding the toilet paper in the bathroom - thankfully, we've learned to shut the door now!! :)
As you can see, he is running the spectrum of emotions - any suggestions on why? Is it the new routine?? (I'd like some advice please!!) ;) Thank you!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Daddy Games!

Alex has just begun the fun of riding on Dad's shoulders - and Andy has seemed to enjoy it - thus far. However, last night Alex tried something new......

Apparently the top of Andy's head looks tasty - he does use a coconut-scented hair gel, so maybe that's what Alex is trying for....I don't know, it was just too funny! He's tried to put my hair in his mouth, so maybe he just has a "thing" for hair?!?! Too cute!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Baby Bumbo!

Alex had a "flashback" today - he really seemed to take a liking to his Bumbo seat....he was playing with it, stacking some of his toys in it, standing up and over it, so Andy decided to put him in it.

It was pretty funny because he can almost get himself out of it, but not quite. It was pretty humorous to see him trying to figure out how to get out of it, you could see the wheels turning!

Here he took a "time-out" to wave to me before attempting again to get out. What a cutie!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Finishing up the backyard!

Finally - we are getting the backyard all finished up! We didn't have much to do (by "we" I mean "Andy"), just moving some of the landscape rock and palette to the shed and garbage,, respectively.

As Andy was clearing a space in the shed for the rocks to go, he found something that he just couldn't resist playing with - a pool stick! Now, we have never owned a pool table, or pool sticks for that matter - so we aren't quite sure how it got there, or why someone decided that a shed was a great place to store their pool stick - anyways, Andy had a "fencing" match with Alex - more fun for Andy than Alex - Alex didn't know what was going on, only that his daddy looked a little funny. :)

And of course, I couldn't do the post today leaving out the reason that you all read this - Alex! Here is a pic of him looking adorable (it's so hard for him to do!) as we watch Daddy work.

My first day of school is tomorrow, and it looks like there will be a LOT to be done, besides the "work" that I'm supposed to do - - meaning that there are a lot of added things that are being piled pray for me and this school year, that I keep on top of things, and that the staff is willing to be flexible... :) Thanks!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sargent Picnic!

Tonight was a back-to-school picnic for the Sargent Public School "people" (teachers, staff, school board members, as well as their families). It was nice to get to see everyone in a social setting, where we don't have to worry about the school-day things.

I snapped a pic of Andy and Alex, just before Alex dumped a glass of water onto himself and Andy - it was humid out, so I think they both enjoyed it a little! (Although they looked kinda funny with wet spots on them) - that's okay, though, everyone there is used to being around kids so they knew where the water came from!

We are both feeling much better - still not 100%, but a solid 76%. :) See you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Sorry we haven't updated in a while, both Andy and I have been "under the weather" - yesterday I went into work for a few hours, but left early because of a stomachache. I came home and took a nap before picking Alex up. About 6:00 pm I started having terrible joint and muscle pain, and we ended up calling the doctor. We went into the clinic and they gave me some antibiotics, and I am feeling much better, but still not quite "100%".....

Andy has been having some stomach pain as well, only his is at both ends. He can't keep much "in". He is feeling better today, and kept his lunch down today.

Amidst all of this, Alex is doing wonderful! We think that he could tell that we weren't feeling well, as he was an exceptionally good boy last night!

We are really missing being close to family - as we were both feeling so crappy last night, we wished we could have had some family close to lean on.....oh well, it's in the past, right? :)

Sorry this is short - we should be back and running again soon, and will have the updates of Alex soon, too!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Weekend in Lincoln!

We spent this past weekend in Lincoln visiting Great-grandparents and other family! We didn't have a chance to stop and see them on our "tour" last week, so we wanted to go and see them.

Once again, Alex didn't fail in surprising me with the things he chooses to play much for baby toys!! Here he's in a box playing with Grandpa's unopened bag of pistachios.

Alex also had a bit of fun playing with my cousins - Elijah is 6 and Sophie will be 4 - but he watched them more than he played with them. Here he is in the cool indoors as Elijah is HOT outside - they had fun mimicking each other!

On the way back home,we stopped to gas up - and look what was waiting for us! Andy took the picture of this praying mantis as it touched his hand...don't worry, Alex and I were locked in the car as Andy played with the bug - all I have to say is "EEEWWWW - A BUG!!"

I also snapped this picture of the clouds - it was really cool. :)

We also picked up our rock this weekend (that was ordered on the 4th of July in Seward). Here it is in it's new home - doesn't it look nice? We're also the "model image" on their website! Here's the link: Big Red Custom Rocks

Friday, August 10, 2007

My Kitchen Cleaner!

Alexander decided that he was going to help me in cleaning the kitchen! What a guy! :)

When I arrived home from my dentist appt. (Andy picked Alex up from childcare....), I found these pictures on the camera - Andy said that Alex was "cleaning" for about 5 minutes - I guess these knobs are the perfect height and size for little mouths!! :)

What a cutie! :) We'll be going to Lincoln for the weekend - so don't worry if you don't see any posts until Sunday! We didn't have a chance to visit the Frank great-grandparents on our vacation, so we're going to see them this weekend! :) See you Sunday!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

9-month checkup!

Alexander had his 9-month checkup today, and everything went well. Dr. Julie loved how Alex is crawling around, interacts with people, his demeanor, and how he pulls himself up and goes around on everything! Here's the "info": 21 1/2 pounds and 30 inches long....that means he's grown 9 inches in 9 months!! Wow!

I snapped a picture of him last night right before I went to bed...I can't believe how mobile he is in his bed! When I lay him down, it's on his back, with his head and feet going towards the long ends of the crib. More than once, he moves himself into this position, and then wakes up in the middle of the night because his foot is stuck in the bars, or because he is "bonking" his head on the bars....silly boy!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Snuggly Little Man!

Now that we're home and finally unpacked, things are beginning to return to "normal" - - but now let's throw a new wrench into the picture - going back to school!! I have to return to school next Wednesday, August 15 (sob!), so Alex started going back to childcare (at least part-days) today so that both he and I can adjust to being apart.

This morning I dropped Alex off at Julie's at about 8:00 - he had no problem going to greet the other kids and adults, and once I was out the door the tears started....even as I type this, they are coming back.....I hate to leave my baby!! Whew - breathe!! Anyways, I went home and began some work on our bedroom (we're painting - it helps the time away from my baby pass by quicker). I was quick to get back to him at about 11:30 - I just couldn't stand it anymore! We then went to Dad's office to take him and Cheryl out to lunch. Mmmmm, Chinese!! Once we got home from lunch with Daddy and Cheryl, Alex went down for a long nap. When he woke up, he was snuggling with EVERYTHING!! The most adorable was a pillow that we have in the living room - he would snuggle up to it, then pull away, readjust the pillow, and repeat the process all over again. I snapped a picture of him snuggling with the pillow.

I also had to snap a picture of his face - he was so happy! As you can see, he tried to grab the camera - but for once I was quicker than he was!!

I was encouraged today when Julie told me that Alex was just all smiles throughout his morning....I worried how he would adjust. I think that this being apart is harder on me than it is on him. She also thinks that he will be walking very soon - I could have told her that! He is pulling himself up on anything somewhat stable and "scootching" around on it! I still don't know where my baby went too - but I sure am having fun with this snuggly little man I have here!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Vacation - We're Back!! :)

Wow -- we're back! The time went by way too quickly, but we were able to see lots of family, so we are thankful for that. Now it's back to getting ready for school - I have to go back the 15th already, where has the time gone????

Okay, now to the pictures of the vacation - this isn't all of them, just a few highlights....

Grandpa Dave and Grandma Le with Alex at Rigazzi's in St. Louis
Alex sleeping through some of the zoo - it's a busy place!The St. Louis Zoo

Andy, Alex and I on the carousel at the zoo in St. Louis

Alex and Grandma Le at the Science Center in St. Louis
Mom, Dad and Alex on the ferris wheel at the fair
Isn't this the coolest picture??
Time to get off!!
Alex and Grandma Bowin - taking a short nap before the rest of the family arrived!

Alex on the car ride home - one tired boy!!

We had a great time, but are thankful to be back home...We basically made a big loop - from Ord to Blue Springs, MO - to Columbia, MO, then on to St. Louis. From St. Louis, we went back through Columbia and Blue Springs, then across Kansas. On to Akron, CO, into Denver for a day, then back to Akron. From Akron, back home to Ord. Whew, I get tired just typing it all. Thanks to our families for hosting us for the few days - see you all soon!! :)
