Wow - what a busy weekend! We hope that all of you had better weather than we did - - Wednesday and Thursday it was just beautiful - temps in the 80's, and just perfect. Then this weekend it was rainy and cool. I love the rain, but it was just disappointing that we weren't able to be outside when we actually had time to be outside!
Friday night Alex chose supper. He wanted pizza, ABC tots, and strawberries. Much more colorful than his previous choice in meal (mac & cheese, corn, and bread). He LOVED the ABC tots!!

We couldn't let Zach feel left out!! (The "Z" was an improvised "J")

Then this Saturday we went to Kidz Explore in Kearney. It toook Alex quite a while to warm up to everything, so he spent most of the morning in Mom's arms. He did quite a few of the Plinko!!

The hospital had these really cool water color pages....the colors were up at the top of the page, and then you just dipped a Q-tip into the water, into the color, and you were set!

Zach enjoyed the antlers from the hospital.

One of the churches in Kearney had a really cool exhibit to promote their VBS this summer. It was VeggieTales (which I LOVE), and Alex even recognized Bob and Larry! He tossed the beanbag into the pond, and actually left my side to go and find it!!!

Another Plinko board...

Then we moved onto the floor. They had ice skating (which we didn't even attempt! Alex wouldn't take his coat off, yet alone his shoes!!) and a really cool ramp that Alex loved! (Of course, it had to do with balls - - that's what gets him all of the time!) Dad held him up to the chute. (Alex's ball is the orange smear towards the bottom of the picture)

Here Alex tried it on his own...

Here's the video of Alex and his ball - - watch the second time how his head bobs up and down as the ball travells along the track....too funny!!
Raspberry time!!

Zach has a smile for the camera.

Alex receiving his balloon for getting the bag through the middle of the target!
As one of his prizes, Alex got a harmonica. Here, as we were heading home, Alex tried it out. He didn't quite get the whole concept (towards the end he is blowing "tuned air" instead of just blowing into it.....he'll practice more, I'm sure.) :)
After Kidz Explore, we had to head to Target for a few "needs". Alex helped the checker at Target by pulling all of the clothes off of the hangars! (We realized with the 80+ temps this week that we didn't have ANY summer clothes for Alex! We have plenty of hand-me-downs for Zach, but Alex doesn't have any!!)

Cheez-It makes "Scrabble" letters - we were able to make all of our names! (We had to use upside down "W"s for the "M"s.)
That's all for now - - we'll post on Tuesday for Zach's 6-month picture!! :)
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