Another Friday night, another chance to share a whole bunch of pictures with you. We hope everyone had a good week. Things were good for us here. Christine had her second consecutive 4 day work week, so she enjoyed spending the day at home with her boys, even if Alex was a little on the naughty side. Andy had a busy week at the clinic. Zach is growing like crazy. And Alex, well...he's a 2 year old. If you've ever had a 2 year old, you probably know what that means. So without further ado, lets move onto the pictures.
Alex using his dump truck as a step-stool. The boy is too smart for his own good.

Alex, after narrowly missing smacking his face on the counter when his dump truck tipped over.

Daddy and Alex's new game, wrap and spin. The following pictures were taken in succession.
(Grandma Le, hold on to your stomach....)

Licking the ketchup off his

That looks good daddy. Can I have some?

A scoop of ketchup.

Are you watching this?
Mmm...sweet, sweet ketchup.

Alex, incognito. (This was after he got up this morning - he wasn't quite ready for the camera, but it was just too cute not to snap a few shots!)

Stop looking at me.

Zach, deep in thought. (Aunt Elly, note the CORRECT finger this time!!)

Breakfast time. Note the elevated spoon while he eats peaches with his fingers.

What are you looking at?

Zach, in his "I'm so
huggable" shirt.

Confused Alex.

I don't want to sit next to Zach.

Who would have thought it would be easier to get the 3 month old to smile than the 2 year old?

Finally, a video of Alex brushing his teeth while playing and dancing. 2 years old and already a master
multitasker. He's got his daddy's rhythm....which isn't much.
And the highlight of Christine's day - - Alex has learned how to undress himself. He came running out of his bedroom holding his pants and diaper. He proceeded to throw them both at Christine (who was feeding Zach while sitting on the couch), and then RAN around the house for as long as he could. He wore nothing but a smile for a good 5 minutes...until Zach finished eating.
Absolutely fantastic. (He even peed on the bathroom floor - just to spite us, I'm sure.)
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