Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dr. Appt

Today was the last of my every-other-week appointments...now we're on to every week.

When Dr. Lawrence came in, she did the measurements, all of the "routine" stuff....she then hooked me up to see how much room the little man has left, and said that his head is VERY low! He's still on his side, because I was concerned that he may be face-up, like Alex was. She said that the babies usually don't turn until RIGHT before birth, but when they are on their side, they most likely turn the right way and come out face down. So.....we'll see what this little munchkin chooses to do. :)

I talked with Dr. Lawrence about the induction, and she said that the 27th will be perfect. She seemed to think that he would already be here by the 27th, but she did put me on the calendar anyway. Luckily, I haven't been having any contractions, only back pain, and it hasn't been consistant at all. However, I have been having a VERY tender spot right above my belly button, and it always seems to be there, so I know that it's not a baby elbow (or knee, etc.) pushing on a certain area. I asked her about it, because it has been concerning me. She called it something (Andy knows the term), but basically it means that my muscles are spreading apart and baby (and all associated baby-things) are pushing through. VERY painful!!!! SO, she said that I need to stay off of my feet as much as possible (yeah, right - I'm a teacher!), and to not lift ANYTHING. So, that is going to be my challenge for the next three-or-so weeks...because Alex is in a stage right now where he wants to be held......and if I am sitting, it's just not the same to him. So, we'll see how we can cope.

Then she gave me the Strep-B test, so I should be finding out the results next week when I go in. She also checked me out, and said that my cervix is still closed (which is a good sign). However, she decided to freak me out anyway by saying as she left, "See you next week, if not sooner!!"

Doesn't she know that I can't have this baby until after the 22nd? Doesn't this baby know that he can't come until after the 22nd? :) I know that I have absolutely NO control, but it's nice to keep telling myself that it all will work out. :)

Until next time, I'll be here with my feet up! (Yeah, right! More of that wishful thinking!) :)

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